Survey: Workplace Innovations & Emerging Solutions During COVID-19
calendar icon May 7th, 2020
Survey: Workplace Innovations & Emerging Solutions During COVID-19

The Conference Board of Canada (CBoC) and Public Services Health & Safety Association (PSHSA) are interested in hearing from employers and workers to understand the various innovations and emerging solutions your organization has implemented to support workplace health and safety during COVID-19, and how these are helping organizations through the pandemic.


We want to hear from you about:

  • How you are managing challenges related to the pandemic.
  • How you are supporting both essential and non-essential employees.
  • How you are preparing for the return to the workplace.
  • Anticipated effects on workers' mental health.


Please take a few minutes to complete our brief survey here:


Those who take the survey will receive an invitation to attend an online session where Dr. Bill Howatt (Chief of Research, CBoC) and Glenn Cullen (CEO and COO, PSHSA) will share the results of the survey. In this session, you will hear about the innovative ideas and practices that businesses have undertaken which may spark ideas for improving your workplace's occupational health and safety program and supporting workers' mental health.  

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