Your Health. Your Safety. Our Commitment. Providing easily accessible client-focused solutions is the key to eliminating workplace injuries, illnesses, and fatalities.
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Public Services Health & Safety Association (PSHSA) is funded by the Ontario Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development and works with Ontario’s Public and Broader Public Sector employers and workers, providing training, consulting and resources to reduce workplace risks and prevent occupational injuries and illnesses.
We serve more than 10,000 organizations and over 1.6 million workers across the province’s education and culture, community and healthcare, municipal and provincial government and emergency services sectors.
Located across Ontario, our regional teams bring together sector-specific experience with expertise in common workplace issues to provide clients proven prevention training, consulting and resources based on best practices and ongoing research.
It’s our belief that all workers and employers should have access to the occupational health and safety information they need, regardless of physical location. This commitment to Anywhere Learning allows PSHSA to enhance prevention activities by delivering comprehensive training and consulting solutions in a variety of convenient formats. From eLearning to regional instructor-led training, we offer effective solutions to meet your unique needs.
No matter where you are on your health and safety journey, PSHSA has the people, knowledge and solutions to help you identify risks, control hazards and meet legislative requirements.
Together, we will make your organization a healthier and safer place to work.