The Workplace Violence Prevention in Healthcare Leadership Table (Leadership Table) was created in August 2015 with a goal to drive a positive shift in organizational workplace violence prevention efforts. Reporting to the Leadership Table, Secretariat, Research and Development Groups were established to develop products aiming to strengthen workplace violence prevention activities.
The R&D groups in Phase 2 of the Leadership Table project drafted a range of resources for review by the PSHSA Advisory Committee who has reviewed and finalized these resources.
Click here to access more hazard prevention tools with focus on Nursing Care in Hospitals.
Hospital Resources
Ensuring Supervisor Competency on Health and Safety for Managers and Supervisors
This tool will provide a framework for health care organizations (hospitals, long-term care homes and home care) to assess and supplement their current supervisor training where appropriate to ensure supervisors are competent on health and safety and the specific hazard of workplace violence.
Violence Response toolkit
The purpose of this toolkit is to provide guidance and resources to all workplace parties on how to respond to the risk of violence and actual violent incidents and prevent future incidents.
Workplace Safety Plans toolkit
This Safety Plan Toolkit will provide clear and concise information to help workplace parties in health care sector organizations develop an individualized safety plan using a template, table of control examples, legislation checklist, sample policy and quick reference guide.
Research and Development Teams
List of members that participated in the Research and Development of the resources.
Home Care Resources
Workplace Violence Prevention Toolkit for Home Care
The toolkit will strengthen the internal responsibility system (IRS) within organizations and guide employers to develop a safe home visit protocol/program for the safety of all its workers.
Research and Development Teams
List of members that participated in the Research and Development of the resources.
Long Term Care Resources
Accountability Framework
Identifies the external and internal support, policy, culture, roles and practices in workplace violence prevention Ontario’s LTC homes should adopt.
Transition Toolkit
A resource that contains tools and resources from the Leadership Table along with other endorsed tools to support: leadership and cultural transformation; incident management; policies, programs, measures and procedures; training; response team and physical environment in LTC.
Assessment Tool
A tool that helps LTC homes work with their JHSCs to determine where they are in their workplace violence prevention journey and where they need to improve.
Workplace Violence Prevention checklist
A resource that helps LTC homes develop standards of practice that go beyond complying with the OHSA. The checklist focuses on five key performance indicators: leadership support and worker participation; hazard identification and risk assessment; risk mitigation, hazard prevention and controls; education and training and performance reporting.
Pre-risk assessment survey
A series of questions employers can ask staff to help understand employees’ concerns and perceptions with respect to workplace violence in LTC.
Terms of Reference for WPV Committee
A tool that helps LTC organizations develop or improve their own terms of reference document for their workplace violence prevention committee.
Training matrix
A tool to help employers provide comprehensive training based on the risk of violence to workers, supervisors, physicians, members of the board of directors, and others in their LTC setting.
Engaging residents and families in workplace violence prevention
A resource to help residents and families understand their role in their care and ability to contribute to a safe and healthy work environment.
Triggers and Care Planning
A resource to help LTC home staff identify common resident triggers and develop an individualized care plan to mitigate risk of workplace violence.
Communication Plan for Workplace Parties
Plan which identifies key audiences within the LTC home, key messages, communication goals and strategies for communicating to different audiences.
Communication Plan for External Stakeholders
Suggested communication/messages to stakeholders outside of the LTC home setting.
Public Awareness Campaign
A resource that provides details on designing and conducting a workplace violence awareness campaign to the public (i.e. general public, family members, caregivers visiting and caring for family and friends in LTC homes).
A set of Organizational and Provincial indicators
A recommendation to facilitate measurement of workplace violence prevention through provincial data collection and reporting of indicators that are relevant to long-term care.
Effective Workplace Safety Huddle Communication Tool
This tool will address the fundamentals of communicating the risk of violence to all workers (clinical and non-clinical) in LTC during Safety Huddles to ensure they are included in and made aware of relevant information for violence prevention and protection.
Research and Development Teams
List of members that participated in the Research and Development of the resources.
Secretariat Resources
Preventing Workplace Violence associated with Working Alone or in Isolation: A Resource for Employers, Supervisors and Workers in Hospitals
A resource to advance health and safety for employees who work alone. It contains a tool to identify the specific jobs or tasks that are at risk of workplace violence due to working alone or in isolation hazards, a sample working alone policy and a checklist to help employers keep those workers working alone or isolated safe on the job.
Training Matrix User Guide
Developed to provide assistance in using the Training Matrix tool developed for hospitals.
Common Definitions
To facilitate future discussions, clear definitions should be agreed to for the terms Root Cause, Root Cause Analysis, Flagging, and Use of Force.