Expert Advisory Panel on Health and Safety Announces Results of Review
calendar icon December 17th, 2010
Expert Advisory Panel on Health and Safety Announces Results of Review

On Thursday, the Expert Advisory Panel on Health and Safety, led by Tony Dean, announced the results of its review of Ontario’s occupational health and safety system. Read the announcement by clicking below:



English              French


Over the course of its work, the panel asked a wide variety of stakeholders for their views about how to improve the prevention system. The panel has now made substantial recommendations for improving both the structure of the system and its work. The report can be found by following these links to the Ministry of Labour’s web site:



English              French


The recommendations support PSHSA’s work and the work of the other health and safety associations. We welcome the release of the panel’s report, and are pleased that the announcement has raised public awareness about the need to enhance health and safety in Ontario’s workplaces. We look forward to working with the Ministry and our system partners on strengthening Ontario’s health and safety system to eliminate workplace injuries and illnesses. We are committed to keeping you informed about developments as we look forward to being part of this new step forward for Ontario’s workers and employers.