It’s Your Job! Video Contest 2014
calendar icon October 16th, 2013
It’s Your Job! Video Contest 2014

It’s that time of year again! The Ministry of Labour is now accepting submissions for their annual It’s Your Job! Secondary School Student Video Contest. This is an excellent opportunity for schools, teachers and students to reinforce the importance of workplace safety in a creative way.


All entries will be made available for anyone to use in classrooms, workplaces or as part of presentations. They will be posted on the Ministry of Labour’s website as well as the national It’s Your Job! YouTube channel for everyone to see and share.


Last year’s entries were spectacular and in fact, two of Ontario’s secondary school winners won nationally. The entry from Robert F. Hall in Caledon won first place in Canada and will be entered into an international safety media competition taking place in Germany in 2014.  You can view last year’s winning videos here.


This is your chance to win cash prizes for yourself and your school as well as provincial and national recognition! The contest opens for entries on November 1st and continues until March 28, 2014. For full contest details, visit the Video Contest web page at