Ministry of Labour Announces Sector Plans
calendar icon July 4th, 2011
Ministry of Labour Announces Sector Plans

As part of Safe At Work Ontario the Ministry of Labour (MOL) develops annual sector-specific enforcement plans that focus on hazards specific to workplaces in different sectors of the economy. The plans describe the specialized and professional services office of the MOL as well as the industrial, health care, construction and mining sectors and outline what inspectors will be looking for in each sector during an inspection. Click here to view the individual sector plans.


To address the sector plans regarding industrial and healthcare, PSHSA, in partnership with MOL, will offer two webinars and to complement the MOL presentations, will provide information on our products and services that can assist clients.  Course Duration: 1.5 hours


Webinars this Summer
July 18, 2011                            Healthcare Sector Plan
July 19, 2011                            Industrial Sector Plan


Cost to register is $30 per site, per webinar. If you would like to register, please click on the applicable link above.