New Psychological Health and Safety Standard for Canadian Healthcare Settings
calendar icon November 27th, 2013
New Psychological Health and Safety Standard for Canadian Healthcare Settings

November 27, 2013 – The Canadian Healthcare Association (CHA) released a statement yesterday announcing that psychological health and safety is a key component of today’s productive and effective health workplaces, and can no longer be overlooked.


CHA’s new policy statement, Psychological Health and Safety in Canadian Healthcare Settings, encourages all health stakeholders to implement the standard on Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace – Prevention, Promotion and Guide to Staged Implementation.


“Rising stress levels, increasing work pressures combined with family demands are challenging the psychological health of workers, including those in health settings,” said Alice Downing, Board Chair, Canadian Healthcare Association. “CHA’s Board of Directors was pleased to unanimously approve this policy statement and we encourage health leaders to take action today.”


The policy statement is available at  The voluntary standard, Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace – Prevention, Promotion and Guide to Staged Implementation, can be downloaded at