PSHSA Welcomes a New Leader – Ron Kelusky Appointed as President and CEO
calendar icon January 31st, 2013
PSHSA Welcomes a New Leader – Ron Kelusky Appointed as President and CEO

We are very pleased to announce that Ron Kelusky has been selected as President and CEO of PSHSA effective March 4, 2013.

Ron has been with the Canadian Red Cross, Ontario Zone since 2009 and currently is their Director General as well as the National Executive Lead for Health programs.

Ron’s leadership experience spans the public, private and not-for-profit sectors. Prior to joining the Canadian Red Cross, Ron was President of GestureTek Health, a health care technology company focused on the development and introduction of new and convergent medical technology into global health markets. Ron has also served as CEO of the Ontario March of Dimes and for more than 28 years worked with the City of Toronto. In the last 5 years with the City of Toronto, he served as Chief and General Manager of Toronto Emergency Medical Services.


Ron currently serves on the Boards of a number of charitable organizations, provides consulting services to government on an ongoing basis on emergency medical services issues, and has spoken both nationally and internationally on the subject of health care technology and health care reform.

Ron has a Master of Business Administration degree.

We extend a warm welcome to Ron and wish him the best of success in his new role.