Business Continuity Planning Checklist for a Pandemic

When widespread pandemics occurs, the impact on businesses can be devastating. A strategic planning process called business continuity planning can assist small or larger businesses in the development of a comprehensive and effective Business Continuity Plan (BCP) for adverse events e.g. pandemic. The BCP provides guidance to a business on how to prepare and adjust business activities and functions when an emergency event occurs. A BCP will provide direction to workplace parties and stakeholders so that the business can continue to operate safely under changing conditions.


The PSHSA Business Continuity Planning Checklist Tools for small and larger businesses include:

  • Information on the benefits of a BCP;
  • A Business Continuity Planning Framework; and
  • Business Continuity Planning Checklist Tool for a Pandemic.


These tools will enable organizations to identify gaps in their business continuity planning processes and allow them to develop an action plan to close the gaps.


View the Video Presentation on Business Continuity Planning

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