Community Care Kitchen Hazards (French)
7 minutes

This community care web tutorial will describe the hazards faced by community care sector workers whose duties include preparing meals for clients in the community as well as general kitchen hazards.


These community care web tutorials were developed through a collaboration with the Ontario Association of Community Care Access Centres (OACCAC). This partnership led to a focus group and subsequent development of short awareness e-learning programs to complement the eight hazard categories discussed in the booklet "Community Care: A Tool to Reduce Workplace Hazards." The online tutorials outline the various hazards faced by community care/home care workers, and provide suggested controls at the worker, service provider and CCAC level. The modules were originally developed by PSHSA in partnership with the Ontario Community Support Association (OCSA) and St. Clair West Services for Seniors (SCWSS), with funding from HealthForce Ontario of the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care (MOHLTC).