Ministry of Labour 2019 Workplace Inspection Initiative: Workplace Violence Prevention Health Care Sector - Is Your Workplace Compliant and Ready?
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Ministry of Labour 2019 Workplace Inspection Initiative: Workplace Violence Prevention - Is Your Workplace Compliant and Ready?


Is your workplace compliant and prepared for the upcoming MOL Workplace Inspection Initiative? From August 19  – September 27, 2019,  the Ministry of Labour will begin visiting long term care homes, retirement homes and community care workplaces as part of the initiative focusing workplace violence prevention.


Join us on this joint webinar with the MOL to find out:

  • specific details about the initiative,
  • how it may affect your workplace,
  • what the MOL workplace violence inspections will be focused on,
  • OHSA compliance requirements and
  • what resources PSHSA has available to support you.