A Message from PSHSA on National Nursing Week
calendar icon May 11th, 2020
A Message from PSHSA on National Nursing Week

May 11-17, 2020 is National Nursing Week - the annual celebration of the nursing profession.

Nursing Week is held every May to coincide with the birthday of Florence Nightingale, the founder of modern nursing. Nursing Week 2020 marks the 200th anniversary of Florence Nightingale's birthday.


This year is particularly special as the World Health Organization has designated 2020 the International Year of the Nurse and the Midwife. This year-long celebration recognizes the work and leadership of nurses and highlights the challenging conditions they face on the job.


This year, the work of nurses is more important than ever. Nurses are on the frontlines responding to the COVID-19 outbreak, treating those who are ill and supporting the health and wellbeing of Ontarians. We know that COVID-19 is a dangerous virus that will take our collective strength and resolve to conquer. Our nurses deserve the right to be safe at work, especially during these trying times, and we are here to support employers and workers to ensure the health and safety of our nursing professionals.


At PSHSA, we’re fortunate enough to work alongside six knowledgeable, passionate and dedicated nursing professionals, and Nursing Week is an important time for us to recognize them. Thank you to Olena Chapavolov, Tina Dunlop, Janice Gallant, Connie Limnidis, Liz Sisolak and Henrietta Van hulle for contributing to our organization’s and clients’ continued success.


I am proud to share that Henrietta Van hulle, Vice President of Client Outreach, has been nominated by her peers for the OOHNA Occupational Health Nurse Lifetime Achievement Award! On behalf of PSHSA, I’d like to congratulate Henri on this well-deserved honour. She is an outstanding nursing leader and her passion and commitment serve as inspiration for all of us at PSHSA. The award selection will take place later on in the Fall.


This Nursing Week, more than ever, we recognize the importance of nurses’ work and the vital role they play within our communities. To echo what so many are already feeling and expressing during this uncertain time, we thank you for your dedicated service and value your courage and compassion in dedicating your careers to caring for us all.


Glenn Cullen
Public Services Health & Safety Association