New CSA Group Report on Workplace Violence and Harassment Developed by PSHSA Released
calendar icon January 6th, 2020
author icon Jill Kovacs
New CSA Group Report on Workplace Violence and Harassment Developed by PSHSA Released

The Public Services Health and Safety Association (PSHSA) recently conducted research on workplace violence and harassment on behalf of the CSA Group, a global organization dedicated to safety, social good, and sustainability.


The research aimed to identify the extent of the problem of workplace violence and harassment across Canada to determine the availability of guidance resources, identify gaps in effective prevention and mitigation strategies, and understand the need for national standards or additional guidance. The research focused on healthcare, education, government, emergency services and service (tourism, hospitality, restaurant, food and retail) sectors, as workers in these sectors experience the highest rates of workplace violence and harassment.


As outlined in the report, the research revealed that a comprehensive approach to prevent and mitigate violence and harassment, recognizing the challenges specific to each sector, is important. It was determined that development of a national standard would provide an opportunity to harmonize violence and harassment approaches and could support existing legislation and regulation where it currently exists, or the development of new legislation and regulation across Canada.


To see a copy of the research report, visit


For more information regarding this report, please contact:


Jill Kovacs

Project Manager, Public Services Health & Safety Association