PSHSA Marks the Annual Day of Mourning
calendar icon April 28th, 2021
PSHSA Marks the Annual Day of Mourning

Every year on April 28, Ontario remembers those who have lost their lives or been seriously injured while at work.


TORONTO - On this Day of Mourning, Public Services Health & Safety Association (PSHSA) remembers those who have died, been injured or suffered illness in the workplace. Today we also honour the many families, friends and coworkers whose lives have been deeply affected by these tragedies.


“Today, our thoughts are with the families of all those grappling with the devastating impacts of a workplace tragedy”, says Glenn Cullen, CEO & COO of PSHSA. “With all Day of Mourning events being held online again this year, there is opportunity for everyone to observe and participate.”


The Workplace Safety and Insurance Board’s ceremony will begin at 10:45 a.m. on their YouTube channel. Those affected both directly and indirectly by workplace tragedies are also encouraged to share tributes and memories of their loved ones at


Show your support by learning more about Threads of Life – the Association for Workplace Tragedy Family Support. Consider joining PSHSA as an annual donor or registering for a Steps for Life fundraising walk to support families whose lives have been forever changed.


Help us honour lives lost and spread awareness around the importance of making workplaces safer by lighting a virtual candle and sharing on social media. Learn more about the various ways you can commemorate the Day of Mourning this year.


“One is too many,” says Cullen. “It is only by working together that we can prevent workplace injuries and fatalities.”


While workplace health and safety should be acknowledged, practiced and prioritized year-round, April 28 is an important reminder of how crucial workplace health and safety is and the dangers of unsafe workplace conditions and practices. Day of Mourning is just as much a call to action for employers and workers to reaffirm their commitment to occupational health and safety, and ensure that a comprehensive Health and Safety Management System and prevention programs are in place so that everyone returns safely home from work each day.


For more information, please contact:

Amanda Allan
Manager, Marketing and Communications



Public Services Health & Safety Association (PSHSA) is funded by the Ontario Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development and works with employers and workers within Ontario’s public and broader public sector, providing training, consulting and resources to reduce workplace risks and prevent occupational injuries and illnesses.