Group Home Inspection Initiative

IRS, Workplace Violence, Musculoskeletal Disorders & Infection Prevention

WEBINAR: Group Home Workplace Inspection Initiative - Is Your Workplace Compliant and Ready?

PSHSA and the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development hosted a joint webinar to help you learn more about the upcoming inspection initiative.

Is your workplace engaged in residential care for individuals who require support, specifically those with developmental disabilities, mental health disabilities or substance abuse problems? Does your workplace include intensive supported residences, supported group living residences or provide support to clients and individuals in residential settings?


The health and safety of workers in Ontario’s group home settings continues to be a priority for the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development (MLTSD) and its system partners. As a result, an upcoming MLTSD inspection initiative is planned within Ontario’s group home sector.


From January to March 2020, the MLTSD inspection initiative will strengthen protection for healthcare workers, including personal support workers and developmental services workers who provide care for some of the most vulnerable people in our communities. The initiative consists of two phases. Phase 1 focuses on compliance assistance by providing resources and education to raise awareness and help your workplace comply with health and safety regulations. Phase 2 consists of the inspections blitz where inspectors will be visiting workplaces to assess compliance from February 3 to March 13, 2020.


Inspectors will focus on the following key priorities when visiting workplaces:

  • The internal responsibility system (IRS), including engaging senior leadership to strengthen leadership accountability and compliance with their duties under the Occupational Health and Safety Act
  • Workplace violence prevention
  • Musculoskeletal disorders
  • Exposures and infection prevention and control


Below is a selection of resources from PSHSA and Ontario’s Health & Safety System to support your workplace as you prepare for this initiative. 

Internal Responsibility System (IRS)


IRS is the system within an organization that requires every workplace party to have direct responsibility for health and safety as an essential part of their job – it is the backbone of occupational health and safety.









Workplace Violence Prevention


Workplace violence continues to be a risk to staff, patients, residents and clients in Ontario’s healthcare sector. This can have negative effects on the personal well-being of workers and their interpersonal relationships, both within and outside the workplace.













Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSD)


MSDs are injuries and disorders of the musculoskeletal system. They may be caused or aggravated by various hazards or risk factors in the workplace such as high force, awkward or static postures, and repetitive motions. The musculoskeletal system includes: muscles, tendons and tendon sheathes, nerves, bursa, blood vessels, joints/spinal discs, and ligaments.














Infection Prevention & Control


IPAC is an integral component of a workplace’s occupational health and safety program and effective strategies need to be in place for the safety and protection of workers.










Click here for more information on the MLTSD Health Care Sector Compliance Plan and Group Home Inspection Blitz.


Contact your PSHSA Health and Community Care Consultant with any question and to learn more about how we can support your organization in enhancing workplace safety.